Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Yesterdy, October 28, 2008, on the Feaast of St.Jude Thaddeus, Armina Dagar-Tejada who was born on July 8, 1968, one of our fellow Ildefonsians passed away at the age of 40. Her body lies at San Isidro Funeral Homes, at Sampaloc Road, Plaza Aldea, Tanay, Rizal.INTERMENT WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2008 AT 11:30 A.M. AT THE TANAY MUNICIPAL CEMETERY.
Let us all pray for the peaceful repose of Armina, and offer our condolences and sympathies to her family many of whom are Ildefonsians.
All prayer requests posted at sicaa_communications will be reposted here.
We obtained the information through the posting of Ms. Rowena A. Custodio of SIC HS Batch 1989 at sicaa_communicatgions@yahoogroups.com who wrote :
From: "scrapper_weng@yahoo.com"
Date: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:37 pm
Subject: Pray for the Soul of Armina Dagar - Batch 1985
"Please pray for the soul of Armina Dagar-Tejada, sister of Arlyn, Ariel, Abella and Maan Dagar (all SIC Alumni). She passed away yesterday Otobder 28, 2008. Her body lies at San Isidro Funeral Homes, at Sampaloc Road, Plaza Aldea,
Tanay, Rizal."
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:20 pm
From : Cristino Pine
Vatican, Rome, Italy
paki parating po sa pamilya ni armina (maybe through abe) ang aking taus-pusong pakikiramay.
nanay, abe, maan, arlene, ariel, asahan nya po ang aking panalangin para kay mamot...
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:37 pm
From : "mc_sicaa" mc_sicaa
opo, makakarating bukas po ng umaga father cris.
From : Cristino Pine min_bethlehem
Re: [sicaa_communications] Re: For All Classmates, & Friends of Armina Dagar - HS Batch 85
salamat po. God bless us always...

The Officers and Members of the San Ildefonso College Alumni Association (SICAA) offer Prayers for the Peaceful Rejoining of Armina with her Creator and Warm Condolences to her Family of Ildefonsians.
This photo taken by mc_sicaa in the evening of October 30, 2008 shows the remains of Carmina Dagar-Tejada HS Batch 1985 with her family from left her sisters Analyn Dagar (seating) SIC HS Elem. 1990 HS 1995, Arlyn Dagar-Catampatan SIC HS 1982 College 1988, Abella Dagar-Estebar SIC HS 1989, her brother Ariel Dagar SIC HS 1982, her mother Amparo of SIC HS Batch 1962, her husband Rossel H. Tejada of SIC College Batch 1991 . Armina's father, Alfredo C. Dagar has previously passed away and she left a written wish that she be buried near her Daddy.
Also shown in the above photo are Armina's four children, from left Josh Russel - 10 years old, Prince Andrie - 5 years old, John Brix - 8 years old and only daughter Ariane Ross - 11 years old. All of Rossel and Carmina's children are now studying at a public elementary school.
Armina had a kidney transplant on January 29, 1993 when she was still in elementary school. Her kidney donor is her sister Abella. She met her husband in the SIC College Department where both of them obtained their degrees in Education. Armina devoted her life to teaching, an accomplished Alumna of San Ildefonso College.
From:"Ellen Mariano"
To: "mc_sicaa"
Hi Freddie,
I"m so sorry to hear about Carmina. More so for the children that she left behind. May she rest in peace. Please extend my condolences to the family, a Mass will be offered for her and to Arch Baby Fulgueras. She's my oldest sister's classmate....hs batch55 (Myrna Mariano Cruz)
Again thanks for the infos. God bless!
Ate Ellen